Our Services

What we offer

Bluebird Behavioral Solutions offers a variety of services to suit each individual’s needs. While some clients need many different supports and programs, others might only need intervention in one or two areas. We utilize a variety of teaching methods to adapt to the learning style of each client. For information on our vocational program, please click the migration tab.

All programs are based on the principles and strategies of Applied Behavior Analysis and are hand tailored to each client’s performance and goals.

• Comprehensive: 25-40 hours/week
• Focused: 15-24 hours/week
• Targeted: 10-14 hours/week

Services to suit each individual's need

This type of therapy is designed for children under the age of five and utilizes 1:1 instruction to bridge developmental gaps. Frequently targeted skills include communication, play skills, daily living activities, motor skills, and preacademics.

Specific intervention plans are put into place to address behaviors including, but not limited to, physical and verbal aggression, self-injurious behavior, property destruction, elopement, and self-stimulatory behaviors.

An FBA includes detailed information about an individual’s current level of functioning, including patterns of behavior, known skills, and areas of need. Goals and treatment plans are established after this is completed.

Skills, such as turn taking, sharing, making friends, conversation, appropriate interactions, and peer initiations are taught directly as well as practiced in the natural environment (parks, schools, playgrounds).

Independent living requires proficiency in several self-help areas. These skills consist of personal hygiene and grooming, meal prep, household tasks, and prevocational skills.

Challenges with toilet training are frequent among this population. We create toilet training programs for all ages and stages of development.

Overly selective food consumption is addressed to create a healthier, more well-rounded diet.

A combination addressing adaptive skills, communication skills, and behavioral challenges in commonly frequented community settings (grocery stores, library, restaurants, etc.)

We happily work with our clients’ teachers and school professionals to ensure success in this environment. When possible, we will accompany children through their school day to work on relevant skills.

Consistent implementation of treatment plans and interventions is crucial to our clients’ success. As such, we work closely with all family members to ensure that they are equipped with the strategies required to facilitate the programs throughout each client’s day.

We will directly review and teach both the specifics of a client’s program as well as general ABA principles and strategies to ensure fidelity of implementation across environments.

Our BCBAs can help bridge the gap between home and school by reviewing your child’s IEP and attending ARDs.

In addition to practicing vocational skills at home, we can help guide the job selection process, prepare for interviews, and provide on-site job coaching.

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